The CanDo® Digi-Flex® Hand & Finger Exerciser is designed to develop hand and finger flexion strength. This resisted spring action exerciser is available in 5 progressive levels and can be used for 6 different gripping exercises. The CanDo Digi-Flex Hand and Finger Exerciser helps users increase their hand and finger flexibility and coordination by improving their hand and forearm strength. Each button can be used independently to exercise single fingers, or entire unit can be compressed for complete hand and forearm strengthening. An illustrated manual is included demonstrating different exercises and grips for the fingers and the hand. Users will find the Digi-Flex does not allow their stronger fingers to compensate for weaker ones. This hand exerciser is designed with upper and lower springs which provide the user a variety of hand motion and isolated finger strengthening exercises. Some exercises include Tip-to-Tip pinch, Hook position, Trigger pinch, Gross grasp, Key pinch, and Fingertip flexion. The CanDo Digi-Flex Hand and Finger Exerciser is a popular choice for clinics specializing in rehabilitation for people with carpal tunnel, arthritis, stroke, fractures, tendon injury, nerve lacerations, tennis elbow and more. An exercise pamphlet is included with each hand exerciser. Choose from 5 different levels of progressive resistance for hand and finger strengthening. CanDo Digi-Flex Hand & Finger Exerciser Instructions CanDo Digi-Flex Hand & Finger Exerciser Specifications: Measures: 3.5 inches long, 2.75 inches high, 0.75 inch wide. Weight: Less than 1 lb. CanDo Digi-Flex Hand & Finger Exerciser Resistance Levels: Yellow Extra Light Tension: 1.5 lbs. per finger, 5 lbs. per hand. Red Light Tension: 3 lbs. per finger, 10 lbs. per hand. Green Medium Tension: 5 lbs per finger, 16 lbs. per hand. Blue Heavy Tension: 7 lbs. per finger, 23 lbs. per hand. Black Extra Heavy Tension: 9 lbs. per finger, 30 lbs. per hand.